Brooklyn Music School

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6 Practice Tips to Make the Most Out of Every Session!

1. Create the Right Atmosphere

Make sure your space is quiet, organized, and free of distractions! Many times, our surroundings can effect our frame of mind. When your space is cluttered and noisy, it’s easy to lose track of the task at hand. Create an environment that will allow you feel comfortable and focused on your practicing!

2. Get Inspired

When we feel motivated, it’s so much easier to achieve our goals! Get yourself in the right frame of mind by listing things that inspire you on your musical journey. Are you eager to see your skills grow? Are you looking forward to sharing your progress with friends and family? Let these things be your driving force!

3. Warm Up

Take time before every session to warm up your skills! Just as you would stretch before exercising, warming up before practicing is the best way to improve your performance and get the most out of your practice session!

4. Record Yourself

Recording yourself is an excellent way to listen back and be able to hear where you are looking to improve and where you are growing! Listening back to our sessions allows us to be more objective when assessing ourselves. It also gives us the opportunity to share recorded sessions with others for additional advice!

5. Celebrate Progress

Making progress as a musician takes a lot of determination and effort, and it isn’t always easy! Celebrate everything you have achieved - even the simple act of making time to improve! Every single musician started off at one point not knowing how to do what they do. Every single step forward deserves celebration, and always look back on how far you’ve come!

6. Repeat!

Consistency is key! It’s so important to make practicing a regular habit. Determine which days of the week and times of day work best for you to practice. Before you know it - sitting down to practice will become second nature!

Do you have any additional tips to share? Let us know in the comments!