Brooklyn Music School

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Notes from Paris

Brooklyn Music School recently completed the second part of their musical exchange with Ecole d’Art Musical in April. This year a group of 17 students and their families traveled from Brooklyn to Paris to participate in two concerts with the Ecole d’Art Musical on April 23 at Le Madeleine and on April 24 at the Mairie du 5eme. The first part of the exchange happened in the spring of 2018 when BMS welcomed 60 students from the Ecole d’Art Muscal and their parents for a concert in the BMS Theater.

The 17 BMS students had prepared over several months for the concerts under the tutelage of their private strings department instructors and with the guidance of the strings department chair and orchestra director Michael Vannoni.

Upon arriving in Paris, the BMS students rehearsed together with the French students for a day prior to their two performances.

Below is a full length recording of the concert on April 24.

BMS believes that traveling and musical exchanges with communities from other regions of the world is an important part of music education and community building.

When asked about his thoughts on the outcome of the performances in Paris, Piruz Partow, BMS’s Executive Director, said, “I was delighted to see the students rise to the occasion, and it was really apparent that they knew that they were not only representing themselves, but also BMS, Brooklyn,NYC, and the US over all.”

On Saturday, May 4, we had a chance to catch up with some of the students who went on the Paris trip to get their impressions of the performances and what they learned and experienced.