Brooklyn Music School

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Masterclass: Prepping for Auditions

We are excited to welcome Colin Jacobsen to the Brooklyn Music School’s Artist Advisory Board! Colin will be holding a Masterclass on Sunday, October 14 at 12 noon for students of all ages on the topic of preparing for auditions.

Students of all ages, instruments, and levels preparing for auditions (for example, middle school, high school, college) will play for Colin and he will adjudicate them and advise them on how to improve before the audition. Colin will also discuss tips and best practices for auditions for everyone. This event will take place on the BMS theater stage and is open and free to the public. 


A recent recipient of a United States Artists Fellowship, Colin Jacobsen’s multifaceted life in music as a violinist and composer is focused in three groups: the Silk Road Ensemble, founded by cellist Yo-Yo Ma; the string quartet Brooklyn Rider, which performs at venues as diverse as Carnegie Hall and SXSW; and The Knights, an innovative orchestra of which he is founder and co-Artistic Director along with his brother, Eric Jacobsen. Brooklyn Rider just released a new album “Dreamers” with the Jazz vocalist Magos Herrera. This past year, The Knights released “Azul,” an album with cellist Yo-Yo Ma as well as debut performances at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC, the new Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg and the Festival de Pacques in Aix En Provence.