It's our Birthday and You're Invited!


2019 marks 110 years that Brooklyn Music School has been changing lives and building a community centered around the idea that music and performing arts should be accessible to all.

Come out to celebrate a history of remarkable achievement with us over the past 110 years and to look forward to some big changes underway as we revitalize this historic institution in the heart of Brooklyn's cultural district. Over the past seven years we have increased the number of students we work with from 300 to over 8,000. Over 90% of the students we serve receive music and arts education at no or reduced cost.

On November 12th, we will be having an evening of music, great food, drinks, and celebration at our 110 Year Gala at the BAM Cafe at the Opera House next door to our historic facility in Ft Greene. Come hang out with like-minded supporters of music, equity in arts education, and a strong and diverse Brooklyn and secure your seats by purchasing your table or tickets now.


Proceeds from the Gala will go to help match funds that have been allocated by the NY State Council on the Arts for badly needed upgrades to our BMS Playhouse, including installation of theater air conditioning and a renovation of our theater bathrooms. We have already raised $140,000 out of the $250,000 budget, but we need your help to close the gap and complete this work.

Parents, grandparents, and BMS supporters can get involved in multiple way to make this event a resounding success.

  • Join Our Gala Committee as a parent volunteer to help with organizing and spreading the word about this important event.

  • Become a Gala Sponsor by approaching your employer about showing their commitment to equity in the arts be sponsoring this important community event.

  • Suggest Auction Items that parents and gala attendees will find irresistible, like dining experiences, vacation items, fine art, spa packages or the like. This is a great way for local businesses and professionals to do good and gain exposure at the same time.

Please email us at to discuss in more detail how you can get involved.