Private Lessons For All

Self Discovery

Private lessons are perfect for working at your own pace!

Enrolling in private music lessons offers so many benefits to a growing child, a developing teenager and a mature adult.  BMS provides everything from string instruments to piano and anything in between.  And signing up for a private lesson is a way to discover or rediscover a passion or a professional pursuit!

Three Benefits of Private Lessons:

1. Bespoke Lessons - BMS faculty understand that each student learns differently. Some understand music at their core and learn very quickly and some work best from reading the music which helps them to better understand the melody and rhythm.  A private instructor will adapt their process to better serve the student, which means the student will learn at their own pace.

2. Perfecting Skills - Group and ensemble classes are for sure fun, but taking private lessons are also fun! Working one-on-one allows the student to master the skills needed to perfect their art, and this can only happen with a private instructor. Working with a private instructor also allows the student to learn important elements which inlcude: correct instrument handling, learning special (maybe more challenging) works, and tweaking their solo recital.

3. Personalized Feedback - Feedback is essential for learning.  It allows students to develop good habits and fine-tune their skills.  When students take private lessons they receive immediate feedback from a professional, and this allows the student to develop the skills that they hope to achieve.  

Read more about the private lessons we offer here.

And click the button below to sign up for a private lesson, today!

Brooklyn Music School has been uniting people in harmony for over a century. As it was over 100 years ago, today children and adults meet at 126 St. Felix Street to experience harmony and unity through music and performing arts education and community events.