Terms and Conditions — Brooklyn Music School

Terms & Conditions


All refund requests must be submitted in writing to the Registrar's Office at  registrar@brooklynmusicschool.org. Registration fees are non refundable. Refunds or credits will be issued upon written notice of  withdrawal, based upon the following terms: 

  • For withdrawals before the first class, a processing fee of 30% of the  total tuition will be deducted. 

  • For withdrawals after the first class, there will be no refund. However,  BMS will issue a 100% credit of tuition for classes that are remaining  after the date of written notice. 

  • Credit is not issued for classes that were not attended. 

  • All Instrument Rental fees are non-refundable. 

  • All BMS credit is transferable to other parties. 

  • Credit is valid 365 days after the original date of processing.

  • Credit cannot be redeemed for cash. 


The Brooklyn Music School reserves the right to cancel any class due to  insufficient enrollment. If a class is cancelled, a prorated refund for the  remaining sessions will be issued. Installment fees (if any) will also be  refunded to students not also enrolled in other lessons or classes. 

In the event a course is cancelled, students will be notified and given the opportunity to transfer to another class. In some cases BMS may shorten an hour-long group class to 45 minutes if the class does not meet the minimum enrollment. When the class length is reduced, tuition would remain the same, as the class would be semi-private and students would benefit from more individualized instruction.


BMS bases its school cancellations on the NYC Public School system. Therefore, if NYC public schools close, or are let out early due to inclement weather or any other reason, BMS will also close. BMS will try its best to find opportunities for make-up classes, although we cannot guarantee that there will be a make-up for any classes that are cancelled due to weather or force majeure. For BMS classes and programs that do not follow the DOE calendar, BMS reserves the right to cancel under the same circumstances and to reschedule at times convenient for students and faculty.


BMS reserves the right to change the format for instruction to online classes as any health or public safety emergency dictates. No refunds or credits will be given for withdrawals from a class whose format has been changed.


Instructor Absences:  

All lessons that are canceled by the Instructor will be made up. Students also have the option of working with a substitute instructor. Payments MUST be made for all missed lessons. No refunds are issued for Instructor Absences.  

Student Absences: 

As a courtesy to the instructor, we require 24 hours advance notice for excused absences. The instructor and Registrar Team should be contacted to ensure that all appropriate parties are notified. THREE (3) excused absences are permitted for the entire Academic Year. The instructor and student will coordinate a day and time for excused absences to be made up. Instructors will do their best to accommodate make-up lessons for any more than three excused absences, but BMS cannot guarantee instructor availability. In this event, students can request a substitute instructor.

If less than 24 hours advance notice is given before an absence, the student will be considered unexcused, and the lesson will be forfeit. In cases of last minute emergencies or illnesses, a make-up can be given at the instructor's discretion.

No refunds are issued for Student Absences, either excused or unexcused.


The Brooklyn Music School reserves the right to discontinue the enrollment of any student who:

  • misses THREE (3) consecutive lessons without notifying the instructor, or the Registrar Team,

  • has a pattern of absences,

  • is consistently tardy,

  • is disrespectful of other BMS students and/or BMS Faculty and Staff.


BMS is not responsible for personal property lost, or damaged, on our premises. A Lost & Found collection area is maintained, so if a student believes that property has been lost on school premises, they should contact the Registrar Team. Items remaining in the Lost & Found for more than one month will be discarded.


I hereby grant permission to the rights of the student’s image, likeness and sound of my voice and any musical performance as recorded on audio or video tape without payment or any other consideration to the Brooklyn Music School. I understand that the image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed, and I waive the right to inspect or approve the  finished product wherein any likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any  right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the  image or recording. Photographic, audio or video recordings may be used  for the following purposes:  

  • Marketing or promotional materials, and BMS website  

  • Conference presentations, educational presentations or courses 

  • Informational presentations  

  • On-line educational courses and educational videos  

By signing this release, I understand this permission signifies that  photographic or video recordings may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in the public educational setting. There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed.  

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: In signing this Agreement, I acknowledge and represent that I have fully reviewed it and understand what it means, and that I sign this document as my free act and deed. No oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the foregoing written statement, have been made. I further agree that this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. If any of its terms or provisions shall be held illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected thereby to the fullest extent permitted by law. I further state that I agree that I and my respective estates, heirs, administrators, personal representatives, and assigns shall be bound by the same.


Students (new and continuing) must pay a $45.00 registration fee every school year (September through August). It is just one per family.

There will be a $35 charge for any check returned by the bank. All major credit cards and checks are accepted. The school reserves the right to dismiss any students who do not comply with its payment policies. A student, who fails to pay the tuition on the posted due date, WILL BE DENIED ACCESS to his/her class. This WILL be counted as a missed lesson and IS NOT applicable to the make-up policy.