ary Terms and Conditions
By enrolling you agree to the following terms and conditions.
All withdrawal requests must be submitted in writing to the Registrar's Office by the third week of enrollment. After that date, refunds for withdrawal will be subject to a 30% processing fee. (*If a student wants to be refunded with a BMS credit for future programming, we will issue a 100% credit.)
Students or parents requesting withdrawals before third week of enrollment will be charged pro-rated tuition for completed classes (including student absences).
Registration fees are non-refundable. Refunds may take 6–8 weeks to be processed.
The Brooklyn Music School maintains the right to cancel or change classes in accordance with program needs. All classes are subject to enrollment.
The Brooklyn Music School maintains the right to terminate the enrollment of a student who does repeatedly violates the BMS code of conduct.
School closures are available on our website on our Calendar Page
Classes must meet Brooklyn Music School's minimum enrollment requirements and are subject to cancellation.
There are no credits or make up classes for student absences.
You cannot sign up for pick up if you are not signed up for classes. NO EXCEPTIONS can be made to this rule.
There will be an additional charge of $10 for students picked up over 20 minutes after their dismissal time. Our dismissal schedule is as follows:
Early Dismissal: 4:30 p.m.
1st Period Dismissal: 5:25 p.m.
2nd Period Dismissal: 6:15 p.m.
Once the semester begins you may still enroll for classes and pick up. However, your classes and pick up will begin the week following your initial enrollment.
Since our instructors are also professional musicians, they may not be able to complete a class for the entire term. We will always have a skilled and professional teaching artist substitute when needed.
For half days or full days that are not regularly scheduled we do not provide pick up due to scheduling conflicts.
Please note that ARY programming follows the DOE schedule. If your child's school is closed or ineligible for pick-up due to a change in schedule on any day that the DOE is in session, you will still be charged for programming.