Duo Cantabile at BMS

Lauri Aguirre ~ Soprano and Mariano Aguirre ~ Classical Guitar

The voice and guitar ensemble Duo Cantabile has been charming audiences since its inception in 2002. They have received great accolades for their spirited and heart-felt performances. Lauri and Mariano Aguirre perform a wide variety of musical styles ranging from Renaissance to folk. Their repertoire includes original works for voice and guitar commissioned by the ensemble as well as numerous arrangements that they are constantly realizing. They have performed in the United States and Mexico in such venues as Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall, Templo del Carmen, St. John the Divine, St. Peter’s Church in Chelsea, America’s Society and the New York Guitar Seminar.

In addition to forming this artistic venture, both musicians have active solo careers both here and abroad. Lauri has performed in opera, oratorio and musical theater venues ranging from the Finnish National Opera Company in Helsinki to the Village Light Opera Group in New York City. She has been a frequent oratorio soloist having performed such works as Handel’s Messiah, Mendelssohn's Elijah, Schubert's Mass in G and Mozart's Regina Coeli and Requiem. Her operatic performances have included Le Nozze di Figaro, La Traviata, Lucia di Lammermoore, Don Carlo, and Falstaff, and most recently, leading roles in Riders to the Sea (Vaughan Williams), The Impressario (Mozart) and Dr. Heidegger’s Fountain of Youth (Beeson) at the Kaye Playhouse. Currently, Lauri can be heard on Sundays singing in the soprano section in the choir at The Oratory of St. Boniface Catholic Church.

Mariano has performed recitals in the United States and Mexico and has appeared at many festivals, including the Young Artist Series at the Aspen Music Festival, the Warwick Music Festival, and Mexico’s National University and Centro Nacional de las Artes. His awards include the Gregory Award for Excellence in Performance given by The New School University and the Artists International Competition. Mariano has recorded on the Vienna Modern Masters label. Aside from his performing endeavors, Mariano has a busy private music studio and is on the faculty at Mannes College of Music, Hunter College CUNY and the Brooklyn Music School. He is the festival director of the New York Guitar Seminar at Mannes and a sought after workshop leader and master class teacher. His students have won top prize at several international competitions.

Lauri and Mariano are graduates of the Mannes College of Music in New York City and hold bachelor and master degrees with honors from this institution. Lauri also holds a Master of Arts degree from Hunter College. Beyond their music making, the artists have also found joy as married partners and parents to their daughter Sofia.


"Duo Cantabile shines as a picture perfect example of emotional power in performance" - Classical Guitar Magazine